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Should You Undergo Physical Therapy for Herniated Discs?

If you’re looking for quality physical therapy and chiropractic care, call us at 646-737-6524.

Suffering a herniated disc often means having to deal with severe and constant pain. Unfortunately, this condition is not uncommon in America or even the rest of the world. In fact, 2 to 3% of the global population suffers from herniated disc pain.

While you have several different treatment options to consider, one of your best options is physical therapy for herniated discs. At Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care, our goal is to help patients achieve a better quality of life through quality chiropractic care and physical therapy in New York. We know that a herniated disc can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, so our physical therapists are passionate about crafting unique treatment plans that help patients find relief.

First, What Is a Herniated Disc?

To better understand the benefits of using physical therapy as herniated disc treatment, you need to know what exactly a herniated disc is. 

The disc is a cushiony cartilage that sits in between the bones in your spine. A herniated disc refers to when this cartilage tears, causing the gelatin-like substance of its core to leak. A herniated disc is typically the result of either trauma or gradual pressure over time. 

This ailment can affect anyone, but people between the ages of 30 and 50 are the most likely to suffer a herniated disc. In addition, it affects men twice as much as it does women.

So What Does Physical Therapy Do for Herniated Discs?

Physical therapists aim to help the body recover by taking a more wholesome approach to recovery. Rather than relying on painkillers, physical therapists use different therapy techniques to help improve your range of motion and overall quality of life.

Herniated discs affect patients differently. While some feel extreme pain and discomfort, others feel numbness, tingling, or even weakened limbs. Meanwhile, around 50% of people with herniated discs don’t even know that they have a problem, according to Yale Medicine.

Physical therapy for herniated discs uses exercises and other techniques to help patients find relief from these symptoms. 

With physical therapy, you could also experience better endurance, improved posture, and more natural pain management over time.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

Just like how every patient experiences different symptoms, physical therapy affects everyone differently. But the good news is that physical therapy is highly effective for most patients suffering from herniated discs. 

Something important to remember about physical therapy for herniated discs is that it does not produce instant results. You need to visit your physical therapist regularly and consistently in order to achieve your desired relief. Fortunately, many patients start seeing a difference after just a few weeks. 

In one study, patients suffering from lumbar herniated discs started experiencing less pain and discomfort after just six weeks.

What Are the Benefits of Physical Therapy Exercises for Herniated Discs?

Should you undergo physical therapy for herniated disc?

Physical therapy offers a long list of benefits for those suffering from herniated discs. These include:

Reduced Pain and Swelling 

One of the main things that patients struggle with when they have a herniated disc is the inability to comfortably do what were once routine tasks. A physical therapist can help by examining your back and showing you differing movements and exercises that can help alleviate this discomfort. By modifying certain activities and following the advice of your chiropractor, you can give your body’s healing process a boost. 

Better Posture

In some cases, having poor posture can lead to a herniated disc. With physical therapy, you can learn how to improve your posture, which puts less pressure on your cervical spine and gives your discs a chance to heal.

Improved Range of Motion

Physical therapists know what specific movements and exercises can help you improve your range of motion. They can even show you exercises to do at home, so you can achieve relief and recovery quicker.

Learn More About What to Expect from Physical Therapy for Herniated Disc in Neck and Back

Most people don’t think about their intervertebral discs until they start feeling constant back pain. When a disc becomes herniated or “slips” and starts causing serious discomfort, it’s essential to seek medical help and find an effective treatment. 

At Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care, we know how frustrating it can be to deal with debilitating back pain. We pride ourselves on providing top-rated patient care for those suffering from herniated discs and various other conditions. 

Call us at 646-737-6524 to schedule an appointment. Our doctors accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available.

Learn more about the signs you need physical therapy and when to schedule your appointment.


Can You Prevent Future Pain from Herniated Discs?

You can do a few things to help prevent herniated disc. For example, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and maintaining strong, flexible muscles through regular exercise can help you avoid herniated disc in the future. Your physical therapist can also show you different exercises and movements to help prevent pain from reoccurring.

What Are the Signs That You Have a Herniated Disc?

Common signs of a herniated disc include neck, back, leg, or lower arm pain, limb weakness, numbness or tingling, and pain that is worse in the morning. If you suspect that you may have a herniated disc or experience any sort of consistent pain, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

What Are the Risk Factors Associated with Herniated Disc?

Some people are more likely to suffer herniated discs than others. For example, common risk factors include excess body weight, genetics, occupation, and smoking.

What’s the Difference Between Passive and Active Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy for herniated discs can include active and passive exercises. With passive exercises, the physical therapist performs manual exercises. Since these require the least amount of effort from you, you’ll likely start with these. 

When you get stronger, you can start doing certain exercises on your own, known as active physical therapy.