Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care

Neck Pain Treatment in New York

Whether you get a kink in your neck due to poor posture or experience the side effects of whiplash after a car accident, everyday life is more difficult with neck pain slowing you down. Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care, PLLC specializes in neck pain treatment in New York so you can return to your normal routine. Discover how you can improve your quality of life by seeing a physical therapist for neck pain and explore the ways we treat different types of pain. 

Count on our medical professionals when you need a doctor for neck pain. We’ll evaluate the extent of your injury and provide a personalized treatment plan that will get you back to normal in no time. 

What Causes Neck Pain?

There are several different causes of acute and chronic neck pain. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 10.1% of all spinal cord injuries are sports-related. Cervical spine pain can also be due to pinched nerves, spinal stenosis, neck arthritis, and muscle spasms. 

It’s important to understand the root cause of the pain since this can impact the course of treatment. For example, sports-related and car accident injuries typically require physical therapy to strengthen muscles and regain flexibility. 

Other people may suffer neck and back pain due to their weight. An international study finds that 9.7% of people who are overweight or obese report some type of neck or back pain. In this case, doctors may recommend diet and exercise to alleviate pain and supplement with another treatment, such as acupuncture for neck pain.

Woman with pain in the neck

Diagnosing Neck Pain

Before you can receive neck pain treatment in New York, a doctor needs to diagnose the cause of your pain. Doctors reach a diagnosis by asking you questions about your medical history and examining your muscle strength. They will likely perform reflex and sensory tests to check for any abnormal movements or sensations within your extremities. 

The doctor will also feel your spine and assess any pain that comes with pressure. If they cannot determine the cause of pain through a physical examination, they will order diagnostic tests to find an answer. It’s possible that your doctor will use any of the following tests:

  • X-ray images
  • MRI scans
  • Myelogram
  • CT scans
  • Electromyography

Forms of Professional Neck Pain Treatment in New York

Neck pain can be debilitating and keep you from doing the things you love. Thankfully, you can find relief through a number of treatment options. Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care, PLLC relies on the following treatment plans. 

Adjustments With a Neck Pain Chiropractor

According to a 2015 survey from Gallup and Palmer College, 43% of men show interest in seeing a chiropractor when experiencing neck or back pain, while 39% of women agree. Data from Gallup and Palmer College’s 2016 survey shows that 95% of patients who visited a chiropractor in the last year report it as an effective treatment option.  

A chiropractor can carefully manipulate and adjust your spine to relieve pain and tension in your neck. Chiropractors can treat a variety of neck pain problems, though other options are available if you aren’t sure if chiropractic care is for you. 

Physical Therapy Exercises

A physical therapist can help you learn rehabilitative exercises that strengthen your muscles. Improved muscle function can increase your flexibility and mobility, relieving pain as a result. Working with a physical therapist is important since certain movements can lead to more injuries and increase your total recovery time. 

A doctor will guide you throughout the process and make sure you safely perform each exercise. Among the many benefits of physical therapy is the fact that it’s customized to you and is part of a long-term treatment plan. 

Acupuncture Therapy for Neck Pain

Patients seeking a holistic approach to neck pain may want to try acupuncture therapy. This ancient Chinese practice targets pressure points along the spine to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue cells. The benefits of acupuncture go beyond neck pain as well. 

Acupuncture can treat knee and joint pain plus relieve migraines. It also has positive impacts on your mental well-being by promoting:

  • Better sleep
  • Mental clarity
  • Improved stress management
  • Increased energy levels

Preventing Neck Pain


Our goal is to help you overcome neck pain, but we hope that you never have to suffer from a cervical spine injury. To help you avoid the need for neck pain treatment in New York, you can take steps on your own to prevent strain and injury. Doctors recommend the following measures to prevent neck pain:

  • Relaxing your neck muscles with gentle exercises
  • Stretching before and after physical exercise
  • Adjusting computer screens to be at eye level and taking periodic breaks from staring at the screen
  • Maintaining excellent posture while sitting and standing
  • Sleeping with a pillow that offers good neck support

Need a Trusted Neck Pain Doctor? Contact Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care, PLLC  

No matter what causes your neck pain, it’s crucial to address the problem so it doesn’t disrupt your life. Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care, PLLC offers effective neck pain treatment in New York so you can return to your daily routine with ease. Call any of our four offices or submit our online request form to schedule an appointment. Learn more about physical therapy for pain management today.

Our doctors accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available.