Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care

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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pain Management

Living with pain can often feel like you aren’t living at all. Extreme discomfort and a lack of mobility can make you feel like a prisoner, but there are things you can do to control your pain and enjoy a better quality of life. One effective option is to invest in chiropractic care. 

While you might think that only people with chronic back pain need to see a chiropractor, the benefits of chiropractic care extend to all types of pain. Proper alignment of your entire musculoskeletal system reduces pain by helping to alleviate inflammation and tension and can help improve your flexibility, range of motion, and mobility.

The approach is so effective that major health organizations, including the CDC, the American College of Physicians, and the Joint Commission, all recommend that providers educate patients about the benefits of alternative therapies, including chiropractic care, for managing pain before prescribing medication. 

Considering that nearly 40% of adults have chronic back pain, finding ways to manage symptoms safely is a priority for doctors. With that in mind, here’s what you gain from seeing a chiropractor in New York.

Techniques Used in Chiropractic Care for Pain Management 

Before exploring the benefits of chiropractic care for pain management, it’s important to highlight different chiropractic techniques. Chiropractors take a holistic approach to care that combines multiple therapies to help patients achieve optimal health. 

Chiropractic adjustments, or manual manipulation, are the foundation of treatment. Chiropractors use controlled pressure to realign joints, release tension, remove pressure, and reduce the inflammation that causes pain. 

However, treatment may also include:

  • Massage
  • Stretching
  • Electrical muscle stimulation
  • Heat and cold therapy
  • Cold laser therapy
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Myofascial release
  • Ultrasound
  • Posture and ergonomic education 
  • Lifestyle advice
  • Nutrition education and support

Together, these treatments can speed healing and reduce pain while addressing the underlying causes of your pain to support total recovery. 

5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care When You’re Dealing with Pain 

Physical Therapy and Chiropracticin Hauppauge NY

According to research published in the Journal of Patient Experience, 71% of patients who saw a chiropractor reported feeling “much better” after three months of treatment, and 73% said that the chiropractor helped them “a lot” with their pain. 

While feeling better and reducing pain are the overall goals of chiropractic care, the treatment helps you get there by doing the following: 

1. Improved Mobility 

Chronic pain is often a Catch-22: The discomfort keeps you from moving freely, but not moving enough causes your joints and muscles to become stiff and immobile. Not to mention, when your joints are out of alignment, they don’t move as easily as they should, which can put pressure on surrounding tissues and cause inflammation. When a chiropractor adjusts the alignment of the joints, it becomes easier to move them, which reduces stiffness and increases your flexibility, range of motion, and mobility.

2. Reduced Dependence on Pharmaceuticals 

Opioid addiction is a severe issue. Hundreds of thousands of adults with lower back pain use prescription opioid drugs to manage their pain, many of whom also report poor quality of life and persistent extreme pain. One of the benefits of chiropractic care is that it reduces, and often eliminates, the need to take these highly addictive prescription drugs for pain management. 

Research shows that people who seek chiropractic care for back pain are 64% less likely to receive a prescription for opioids and 55% less likely to fill it. 

3. Faster Healing From Injuries 

Chiropractic techniques like massage and trigger point therapy focus on healing the soft tissues of your musculoskeletal system. These treatments can help increase blood flow to injured tissues, help reduce inflammation and tension, and prevent scar tissue formation, which supports faster healing without ongoing pain. 

4. Reduced Costs 

In the past, finding a chiropractor who takes insurance may have been challenging, but that’s no longer the case. Most insurance plans cover the treatments, in large part because they cost significantly less than other pain management approaches. One study found that chiropractic treatments reduce health care costs by up to 40% compared to other options. Getting chiropractic care reduces the expense of drugs and addresses the underlying causes of pain to ensure longer-lasting relief and prevent associated medical issues that require additional care. 

5. Improved Overall Well-Being

Seeking chiropractic treatment can help reduce your pain and benefit your overall health. For example, a specific adjustment to the neck vertebrae is equivalent to taking two medications to lower blood pressure. Spinal manipulation can improve posture, reducing the risk of further pain and issues, as well as improve your breathing

Make an Appointment at Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care for Help Managing Pain 

Whether you’re dealing with a work-related injury, need a car accident chiropractor, or simply have chronic back pain as a result of your age or lifestyle, Quantum Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care can help. Call today to schedule an appointment and experience the benefits of chiropractic care for yourself. Our doctors accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available. 

Do you need additional help recovering from an injury, surgery, or other event? We also provide physical therapy for lower back pain to help you regain strength and mobility. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What Type of Pain Responds Best to Chiropractic Care?

Research shows that people with low back pain typically respond best to chiropractic care for pain management. In one study, 47% of the participants reported significant improvement in their pain and overall better quality of life after one month of chiropractic treatment for low back pain.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Everyone?

Although chiropractic care is safe and effective, certain individuals may not be suitable candidates for treatment. If you have severe osteoporosis, spinal cancer, specific bone abnormalities, an increased risk of stroke, or numbness or tingling in your arm or leg, this treatment is not suitable for you. 

Does Chiropractic Treatment Hurt?

Manual adjustments should not be painful, and you should start to feel the benefits of chiropractic care soon after the treatment. Some people report feeling soreness or aching a few hours after treatment, but it subsides within 24 hours.